Pumps and Accessories

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BMC536.15A Universal Brushless Motor Controller
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BMC12.3A Universal Brushless Motor Controller


Control most any three phase (3 wire) sensorless brushless motors

Control speed with 0 – 5.0 VDC analog, PWM,  or 10k-20k potentiometer

Easily control motor direction CW or CCW

Soft motor start and stop

Speed monitoring tachometer output signal if needed

1kHz-10kHz PWM signal to terminal VR for external PWM control

SKU: N/A Category:

BMC12.3A Brushless Motor Controller

  • 8 to 18 VDC
  • 3 amp maximum
  • Weight: 0.18 ounces
  • 1.780 x 1.105 x 0.125 inches